Hundreds of people gathered at Saffron Hill Cemetery in Leicester this afternoon to mourn the loss of 11-year-old Evha Jannath.
At 2:30pm, family and friends amongst others came together to pay their respects.

The young school girl tragically passed away after falling from a water ride at Drayton Manor theme park in Staffordshire.
Evha fell into the water while riding with classmates on Splash Canyon during a school trip on Tuesday 9 May. It has been claimed that the young girl was swapping seats on the ringed boat when a sudden jolt threw her off.
The pupil at Jameah Academy in Leicester was airlifted from the family-run theme park to Birmingham Children’s Hospital but was sadly confirmed dead shortly after arrival.

Ms Erfana Bora, Headteacher of Jameah Girls Academy released a statement after the funeral on behalf of the school, she said: “It is overwhelming to see so many people here today praying for Evha and showing support to her family.
“The school would have been touch at the enormity of support that we have received from the community of Leicester, as well as nationally and globally.
“Pupils and staff and Jameah Girls would like to say thank-you for the kind words and messages of support that we have received from members of the public. We would also like to thank fellow schools in Leicester and Leicester City Council for providing practical help, including counselling for our pupils and staff, said Erfana.
“Evha’s friends were given time off school this morning to visit Evha’s family and say goodbye to Evha. In her memory, we have closed the school this afternoon. Tomorrow, we will resume class, but with a heavy heart, knowing that we do so, without Evha.
“In the coming days, Evha’s friends will help the school to establish a fitting tribute to her memory. In the meantime, Evha’s mum has asked me this morning, to keep her name on the school register, I am happy to do so, as Evha will always be in our hearts and a part of our school.”
Leicester-based charity MBCOL has been on hand to provide support to Evha’s family during this difficult time and have played a leading role in the organisation of the funeral.