Thousand of Sikhs took to the streets of Leicester today to take part in the annual Nagar Kirtan parade, as they celebrate the birthday of…
Six former shops are set to be demolished over the coming weekend, as the site prepares for the construction of Leicester’s new £13.5 million Haymarket…
The theft of lead from church roofs continues to be a major problem in Leicestershire. Just this week over 3 tonnes of lead was stolen…
A man from Nottingham is still missing, six weeks after he disappeared following a family party. Twenty four year old, Baljeev Johal left the…
The Rt Revd Tim Stevens, has announced that he is to retire next year. Bishop Tim will be retiring on 11 July 2015, after…
Leicester’s Christmas lights were switched on over the weekend at an event attended by thousands in the city centre. The switch-on of the city centre’s…
A new book exploring the relationships between Hindus and Christians living in the west, has been launched in Leicester. The book entitled ‘The Meeting…
A business park for the food and drink industry in Leicester is now open for business and will be welcoming its first tenants within weeks.…