‘Life Ain’t Pretty’ is a crime-fiction anthology featuring five extremely intense and intriguing short stories, by Koestler Arts Award winning author R.A Chin. Each story…
From start to finish, De Montfort Hall’s production of Cinderella was an absolute joy-fest – the perfect Christmas panto, which ticks all the right boxes…
An award-winning and electrifying take on Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, Othello is an intense and magnetic show which you don’t want to miss at Leicester’s Curve.…
The ultimate feel good musical, Mamma Mia! is currently showing at Leicester’s Curve theatre until September 24, whisking audiences away to a sun drenched island,…
Billy Elliot the Musical is a raw and emotionally charged powerhouse of a production, which will leave audiences feeling inspired, uplifted and moved by the…
School of Rock the Musical is a powerhouse of a show, packed with fun, energy and rebellious spirit throughout. With face melting guitar solos, high…
A special string of candlelit concerts kicked off in Leicester last night, in tribute to the iconic rocker Meat Loaf who passed away in January,…
Journalists everywhere are bound to get more than a few laughs out of the super relatable ‘You Can’t Libel the Dead’ – a book by…