If you fancy starting your weekend as record-breaking King or Queen, then get down to Curve this Saturday. In celebration of their 5th Birthday…
Leicester’s City Centre was brought to life today with an array of performances and a display of vibrant colours for this year’s Mela Festival. The…
With beautiful weather for the majority of this year’s summer, there’s no better way to celebrate the sunshine of 2013 than at Leicester’s upcoming…
Thousands were in attendance this year for the annual Leicester Diwali Light Switch event on the Golden Mile. As well as all the celebrations…
Thousands of Ahmadiyya Muslims from around the world held their 46th annual convention in Hampshire over the weekend. The event in Alton is Britain’s…
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community from around the world have gathered in Hampshire for the annual Jalsa Salana. 30,000 people are expected to attend over…
Day 2 of the 5 day Ramadan Festival 2012 packed with fun, celebration, food and shopping for everyone.