Police Constable Chris Perry has been named Beat Bobby of the Year 2015. He won the annual title for his work in Melton, where…
This week has seen police volunteers across Leicestershire assisting in a speed watch campaign to address the issue of speeding motorists. Working in line…
There has been a step up of security by local shop owners in Leicester, after a series of smash-and-grab raids that have been taking place…
A campaign has been launched in Leicester to raise awareness of fake faith healers following the conviction of Mohammed Ashrafi last month. He claimed to…
The Victims and Policing Minister, Mike Penning visited Leicester yesterday to see the work carried out by a domestic abuse and sexual violence project. …
Police investigating the disappearance of a woman in Coventry on Christmas Eve have arrested two men on suspicion of murder Sameena Imam who is…
Two senior Police officers from the Leicestershire Constabulary have been awarded the Queen’s Police Medal (QPM) in the New Year’s Honours List. Deputy Chief…
Melton MenCap a voluntary organisation that supports people with learning disabilities, has received £500 from Police in Melton, after the charity helped recruit a community…