The president and vice-chancellor of the University of Leicester have unveiled a new strategic plan which signals a new direction for the University.
The strategic plan is to create a university that represents a ‘distinctive elite’ in the higher education sector and includes:
The creation of a National Space Park to show how universities can bring together cutting-edge science, industry, education and training. The National Space Park will drive innovation in space and Earth observation science
A multi-million pound new estate development plan to deliver a state-of-the art campus at the heart of Leicester’s Educational Quarter. This includes the largest investment in medical education at any UK university in the past decade
Transformation of the University’s digital estate – taking a ‘digital by default’ approach to the development of facilities
New research institutes bringing together different disciplines and research networks
Development of “Pathways”, which provides one of the most flexible curriculums in the UK – allowing students to combine disciplines in new ways to suit their interests and ambitions
Increasing ‘access to university’ opportunities for people from disadvantaged and socially excluded backgrounds with the aim of supporting how universities nationwide can best contribute to improving social mobility
Cognisant of our unique multicultural setting, we will take a leading role in the sector in respecting diversity and equality issues more broadly. We are committing to building on work with the city and beyond to improve economic, social and cultural well-being, the environment and health
Professor Paul Boyle announced the new vision for Leicester exactly a year after he took over as the University’s President and Vice-Chancellor.
A new logo and website has also been launched.
Professor Paul Boyle said: “We are long-established yet focused on a future that will see us pioneering a distinctive elite of research-intensive institutions, open to all who have talent.
“As a discovery-led university, we will be ever more focused on innovation. We will make a real difference: the excellence of our research, teaching and enterprise will transform people’s lives. By being more adventurous, more ambitious and more insistent on the value of our distinctive qualities, we will have an even greater impact upon global scholarship and education. In every area, we are already developing bold initiatives that put our university at the forefront of change.
“As part of our global initiative, we will develop new research and teaching centres in places including China, Indonesia, Iraq and Kurdistan and focus our strategic partnerships in areas and regions, such as post-conflict societies, where we can make a real difference.”
Professor Boyle also spoke about the HeForShe movemnet: “Leicester has already been selected by the United Nations as one of only 10 global universities championing gender equality through the HeForShe movement and we intend to increase the impact of our external engagement, social responsibility and outreach activities.
“As members of one of the most international universities in the UK, our students and staff will become increasingly mindful of their role in understanding and meeting global challenges and opportunities, while always continuing to focus on their contribution to our city and region. We will develop and vigorously pursue an agenda of social responsibility and sustainability that is global, national and local. Working with institutions in our own region, we will take a strong lead in enhancing Leicester’s future.
“To make an even greater difference, we will launch a new campaign—PROUD—focused on ways in which we can help our city meet its most significant environmental, social, community relations and educational challenges. These include:
Promoting Health Wellbeing
Restoring Our Environment
Opening Access To Culture & Heritage
Upskilling for 21st Century
Developing Children and Young People