Visitors took a step back in time over the weekend, as stations along the Great Central Railway held their annual World War Two event in commemoration of life in wartime Britain.
Stations across Leicestershire including Quorn, Rothley and Loughborough hosted an array of activities and live entertainment, allowing visitors a taste of life in the 1940’s.

Hundreds of re-enactors in original 1940’s costume, which included dignitaries such as, the King and Queen, Winston Churchill and Montgomery brought the weekend’s annual event to life.
Rothley station hosted a Battle Re-enactment between Germany and America with re-enactors dressed in German infantry uniforms, where spectators could enjoy the entertainment with a beverage at the German beer bar and Bratwurst cart.

Live music created a buzz that surrounded the event which included the likes of 1940’s burlesque singer, Liberty pink, Pete Wayre and the harmony trio, Bluebird Belles.
Military vehicles were also on display which included the only Spitfire In the world, complete with its original cockpit and working 27 Litre Rolls Royce Engine, could be found at Quorn and Woodhouse station. Visitors got to enjoy the aircraft in live action with Hurricane flypasts, a Spitfire aerial display and a remembrance poppy drop.

At Quorn and Woodhouse you could meet soldiers, sailors and aircrew from Britain and the USA. A marquee with a custom built dance floor and bar which included a selection of real ales from Nottingham Brewery.
For more information on the two day event visit: