Leicester’s annual cultural festival An Indian Summer yesterday had a colourful launch when dancers from the Shiamak dance academy performed a flash mob in the…
Today saw thousands of Sikhs take part in the annual Vaisakhi parade which made its way through the streets of Leicester. The parade which…
Minister for Faith and Communities, Baroness Warsi will be paying a visit to Leicester next week to speak about the government’s plans for integration, discussing…
Spinney Hill park in the city was yesterday full of colour as thousands of people came out to celebrate the Hindu Festival of Holi.…
This weekend, on Sunday 16th March, the annual Holi Festival will be celebrated in Leicester’s Spinney Hill Park. The event is the Festival of Colours…
Thousands of Sikhs gathered in Leicester on Sunday 21 April for the annual Vaisakhi parade through the city to celebrate the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi,…
Pakistan Minorities Rights organization (PMRO UK) organised a conference at the House of Lords in London. The conference called Persecution of religious Minorities in…